PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES

 Memory verse: Ephesians 6:4

 Ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (KJV).

 Central Truth 

God  directs  parents  to  rear  their  children  according  to  Scriptural principles

The lesson outline


1.      Teach Gods Word

 A.       Obey God’s commands

 B.       Teach your Children Daily

  2.      Employ Godly Discipline. 

A.     An ounce of prevention

B.     Effective Discipline

3      Demonstrate Love

A      Love Rejected

B      Love forgives and restores




Teaching goals


1. Impart and Reinforce knowledge: Make your students aware of the importance of having a consistent plan of teaching Gods word.

 2. Influence Attitudes: seek to strengthen your student’s resolve to administer discipline which if neglected carries unpleasant consequences.

 3.   Influence Behavior: Encourage your students to always rely on God’sword  to know the right form of discipline to employ as to achieve God’s intended purpose.


 Introducing the lesson


Some one once said, the toughest job in the world is to be a parent and to do it right. Christian parenting is sometimes difficult because we live in an ungodly society. But parenting is a responsibility that God has given to us.

It is sometimes tempting to delegate this task to others. But others may not teach our children the spiritual values we want to see instilled in

them. If we fail to teach our children properly, we may lose a generation who will faithful serve God.

Many parents do not have a clear understanding of what their role as parents really is. This week’s lesson is designed to help make these roles clearer and to give some practical suggestions in performing them.

As we look at the principles of parenting, ask the Lord to help you be the parent He desires you to be.



Commentary and Application


1.      Teach Gods word


A. Obey Gods commands


The children of Israel were at the border of the Promised Land. Soon they would be scattered all across the hills and valleys of their new homeland. How could this people keep focused on God and avoid being distracted b the lifestyle of those around them? God’s solution was quite simple  –a  consistent  plan  of  teaching  God’s  word.  This  would  help ensure that they continue on the path God had chosen.

Moses had just reviewed the Ten Commandments with them. He made it clear that Gods purpose was for him to teach them the commandments, the statutes and the judgments of God. The purpose of this teaching was twofold. First, it was to ensure that each generation would fear (reverence and honour the Lord and His decree.). Second, teaching them to obey God’s commands would ensure that things would go well for them and give them a long life.

A  priority  for  Christian  parents  is  to  establish  a  solid  biblical foundation in their own lives. If we expect our children to serve the Lord, then we must set the example for them. This not only includes faithfully attending worship services at church, but having private devotional times at home as well. We must also model for them the Christian values that

we desire them to have. As we have established our relationship with the Lord, then we can properly teach our children.






B. Teach your children daily


Our responsibility is to teach Gods Word to our children. According to this passage this would include truths concerning the nature of God and their love for Him and His Word. Moses indicated that this teaching is not a one time occurrence, but an on going process. Every day you would be opportunities for parents to use common experiences to teach their children the truths concerning God and His commandments. As these truths are addressed, they become a part of the children’s lives.



Question for Application


What situations in life can be used as opportunities to teach Gods word to our children?



The biblical mandate in verse 7 is to teach [God’s commandments, statutes, and judgments] diligently unto thy children. Moses gave three methods of accomplishing this task. First, the parents were to talk about Gods law regularly. They were to look for opportunities to teach and reinforce the principles of Gods word. Things that happen every day, both positive and negative, are tremendous opportunities to teach and reinforce Gods Word.

Next, they were to bind Gods law to themselves. They were to carry with them a constant reminder of the truths, they had learned. Last, they were to write them on the door frames of their homes and on their gates as well. This would serve to remind their children as they entered or left their home of the God they served and of their responsibilities to Him.



Question for Application


How can we apply these visual and life-style teaching methods to our


Christian homes today?




One casualty of our busy society has been the family devotional time. Few families eat meals together anymore, much less have family devotions.   While   family   devotions   are   necessary,   the   concepts presented  by  Moses  are  a  natural  way  to  instruct  our  families  in Christian values. In this lifestyle teaching method, every event, opportunity, victory, or defeat can become a practical  opportunity to teach our children God’s work. Our children will be able to observe biblical truths and principles in action.

In our daily teaching , we just teach our children several important precepts-the baptism in the Holy spirit, the soon return of our Lord, the importance of holy living, and appreciation for and obedience to the word of God. These precepts must be written on the hearts of our children by taking  the  opportunities  of  life  and  teaching  them  how  God  is  an everyday part of their lives. We must not just teach religious duties, but a practical and holy lifestyle.






2.       Employ Godly Discipline


A. An ounce of prevention


God has placed the responsibility for disciplining children on parents. The end result of discipline should produce orderly conduct and a respectful submission to rules and authorities. As we discipline our children, we desire to make a difference on their behavior both now and in the future for their good.



In 1 Samuel 3:11-14, we observe the results of failing to properly discipline ones children. Yong Samuel heard Gods voice for the first God gave him message that would rock the nation of Israel. Elis sons had lived in gross sin and shown disrespect for sacred things. Eli was aware of this and failed to restrain them (verse 13). As a result, Eli was removed from office and his entire family was judged by god (verse 14). They were judged not only because Eli had failed to discipline his sons.



Question for application


Why  does  god hold parents accountable for the disciplining of their children?



While god does not hold parents accountable for their children’s actions he does hold them accountable for failing to discipline their children and take the chance that their children neither may nor serve god. Even though disciplining children is not always easy, Christian parents are required to do it.



B. effective discipline


The subject of discipline generation much discussion. Views concerning the proper methods of discipline are quite diverse.

Proverbs 13:24 speak to the issues of corporal punishment where a child is given physical discomfort because of a willful and defiant act oust against this type of discipline, we must remember that this is gods inspired word.

Spanking has often been used the wrong purpose the inclusion of the word  “rod”  does  indicate  that  there  is  a  proper  time  and  use  for physically spanking a child but never physically harm or abuse anyone

Spanking as discipline, must be administered on love. It should never be administered in anger, out of frustration, or to make the parent feel better. Spanking as discipline, should be followed by an expression of love and acceptance.

The end result of any disciplinary action is to teach children that wrong behavior always carries unpleasant consequences. Proverbs states that parents who do not discipline their children actually hate them.

Parent is also warned against being passive in regard to discipline. Discipline must be administered during the formative years of childrens lives, while there is still hope for them. failure to follow this advice can make the parent a “wiling party (NIV) to a person’s death. This could refer to capital punishment under the law or by natural consequences that accompany a persons foolish behavior. Discipline is designed to prevent children from destroying their lives by sinful activities.

One of the best forms of discipline is proper training (22:6). Part of the concept of training is to cultivate a taste for the things of god. This means that parents must model godly attitudes and actions. We can never discipline our children for the things we do ourselves. Double standards will derail all disciplinary actions.

The  last  part  of  this  verse should not  be considered an ironclad guarantee. Manu parents have their child stray from their child stray from their godly training. However, children reared in Christian homes under the influence of godly parents, are more act to follow the training they received.

Parents can also be too strict in their discipline in Ephesians 6:4,


Paul instructed parents to not anger their children by wrong or too strict discipline. Paul wanted Christian parents to realize that part of parenting is training children in righteous living.



3.      Demonstrate love


A. Love rejected


Being a good parent is not always easy. Providing children with a sound biblical foundation and a well-disciplined lifestyle values often presents a challenge.

Parents must remember that all training and discipline must be in love. Love is something we can talk about, but for love to fully realized, it must be demonstrated, whether children fully accepted teaching and discipline or totally rebel, they must be able to see their parents love for them and concern for their well being.

Jesus told the parable of the prodigal son to demonstrate a fathers love in action for a wayward child. According to jewish law, this son had no right to return to the family as a son. He had squandered his son. When he saw his son in the distance, he ran to him and embraced him. This suggests tat perhaps the father often looked down the road for some sign of his son’s return.



Question for Application


How does this parable speak to parents concerning loving their children?

 The father in this parable gives us a pattern for demonstrating our love today, notice that he did not downplay the young man’s mistakes, nor did he say “I told you so, “rather he sought to support him and accept him. Even when our children do not live according to our standards, we still need to express our love towards them.

 B. Love forgive and restores

The son did not complete the speech that he had so carefully rehearsed. The father interrupted him and quickly sent the servant scurrying to begin the big celebration.

The father made several significant and symbolic gestures towards his son that referred to more than sonship. The robe he placed on his back was a ceremonial robe for a guest of honor. The ring he placed on his hand symbolizes authority. Lastly, the sandals were those only worn by a free man. And the fatted calf was a special animal that was kept for only the most special of occasions.

The young man was totally restored to the place he had once held. This fathers love reached beyond the sons failures and saw him in need of restoration, forgiveness, and acceptance.

As Christian parents, we need to closely observe the actions of this father. We need to understand ranging children will make mistakes ranging from spilling milk on the new carpet to going into the depths of sin, but one of our roles as parents is to help our children get back up when they fall, whatever their offences, they need our love, encouragement, and support.

Some parents are too quick to criticize their children with careless and harsh statements. Verbal abuse can be as devastating as physical abuse. Certainly at time corrective measures must be taken, but they must be handled is such a way as to build up and not tear down.

 Question for application

 What are some ways we can show our children the we love them and are concerned with their wellbeing?

We can demonstrate love by going to their special events at church and school and by spending time with them. we can also show we lovthem by proper discipline and forgetting past mistakes once they are settled.

Parents love for their children a remarkable thing to observe natter how often this love step on, it rebounds to give the children another chance interestingly, what Jesus to teach about characteristics of gods love  chose as a model a fathers love his runaway son.


 Call to Discipleship


Parenting is both a privilege and a responsibility. Many times our child brings joy and refreshment to our lives. The times that parents spend with their children can be some of their best experiences.

It is exciting to see our children grow. We notice daily changes when our children are newborn babies. Even most teenagers have noticeable grow spurts. But with the physical growth of our children comes the responsible for training and disciplining them.

Our children are gifts god has entrusted to us. As stewards of gods gifts we need to train them to honor him. We can do that by teaching our children god’s word and by using the activities that we are involved everyday to teach them godly principled,

It would be wonderful if you never had to discipline your children unfortunately, this is not the case. As you have examined the scripture concerning the disciplining of children presented in the lesson., perhaps have seen areas where you need to change the way you discipline your children maybe you are not too strict and need to nurture and train. Perhaps you have not discipline as you should. Allow the lord to help you seek discipline according to his word.

Maybe you have children who are like the prodigal son. Ask god to help you to love them as you would a faithful child pray for them that god will we in their loves for salvation.

 Ministry in Action


Pray for parents to accept the privilege and responsibility of parents pray that will train and discipline their children in love.






































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