Sunday School Lesson, September 3, 2017. Topic: Revelation And Realization

Sunday School Lesson, September 3, 2017.

Topic:     Revelation And Realization

Memory Verse: Ephesians 1:18. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what riches of glory of his inheritance in the saints (KJV)
Lesson Text: Ephesians 1:15-23, 3:1-21.
Central Truth: God enlightens and empowers His people.
Focus: To explore and rejoice in spiritual truths made known by God’s Spirit through the Church.

1. Spirit of Revelation
     A. Enlightened by the spirit
     B. Christ Exalted by God’s Power
2. The Divine Mystery of Grace
    A. Together in Christ
    B. Access through Christ
3. Strength, Immeasurable Love, and Power
    A. Strong and Rooted
    B. Immeasurable Love
    C. Incomparable Power

                  Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Describe ways the Holy spirit works in Christians to help them know God better.
2. Rejoice in God’s plan to reconcile all people to himself.
3. Pray for God to work powerfully in their lives.

                        Introducing the Lesson.
We all are unique, and each of us has a part in God’s work on earth. Today’s lesson highlights how God enlightens and empowers His people.

Commentary and Application
   1. Spirit of Revelation
A. Enlightened By The Spirit, Ephesians 1:15-19.

Paul possibly wrote the book of Ephesians with the intent that it be read in several Churches. This could provide some insight into his words of encouragement in Ephesians 1:15-16. Encouragement such as this were common at or near the beginning of Paul’s letters. In this case, he commends the faith of his readers. Paul may have been complimenting the ongoing faithfulness of his friends and coworkers in the faith. Yet as a circulating letter, Paul may not have been acquainted with a portion of his audience. In this case, Paul’s words carried an instructive purpose, introducing them to the truth that faith must be focused on Jesus and expressed through love.
In response to the faith of his hearers, Paul affirmed his practices of regular prayer for them. Such prayer included both thanksgiving and intercession.

Question: When you pray for other Christians, what is the focus of your prayers?
Often our prayers for fellow believers tend to be focused on the physical and financial needs while such prayers are important, spiritual concerns can be overlooked. The way in which Paul prayed for other believers might challenge us to rethink how we pray for others and ourselves.

Paul explained the content of his prayers beginning in verse 17, explaining that he sought the work of the Spirit in their lives so they would know God better ( verse 17). The goal of the Spirit’s work as expressed here involves more than just helping Christians know more about God or increasing the wisdom and understanding of spiritual things in order to grow in relationship with God.

Paul recognized his readers had already come to know God through Christ, which is why Paul was praying for greater spiritual insight for them ( verse 18). In particular, he wanted them to be aware of three things concerning their relationship with God: hope, inheritance, and power ( verses 18-19). Hope refers to the certainty Christians have of victory over sin because of their salvation. Their Salvation brings about a promised inheritance: their redemption from sin ( see verse 14). And the saints themselves, as God’s glorious inheritance, are the product of His grace ( verse 18). The believers’ hope and God’s inheritance are possible because of His power at work ( verse 19). No other power can compare to the “exceeding greatness” (KJV) of God’s power by which He has made salvation possible.

To know these things is both humbling and inspiring. Consider what a precious hope salvation brings to Christians. Think about how highly God values those who are His. Ponder how powerfully God works in believers’ lives. Truly God is worthy of all glory, honor and praise.

     B. Christ exalted by God’s Power, Ephesians 1:19-23.

Paul pointed to the supreme example of God’s great power in order to illustrate the believer have (Ephesians 1:19-20). This emphasis on power is strongly illustrated in verse 19, which highlights not only God’s inherent strength and capability, but also his activity and sovereign might.

In raising Christ from the dead, God demonstrated power over the grave. He exalted Christ, having seated him in a position of power and authority. All other powers have been made subject to Christ (verse 20-22). Then God placed Christ as the head over the church (verse 22). Then God placed Christ as the Head over the church (verse 22). This serves as assurance to all Christians that God uses his power for our benefit, and we know that he does because of Christ’s exalted position. We are his body, the vessel he works through to advance the kingdom in this world.

Question: How can knowing God’s great power is working on your behalf help you daily walk with Christ?

Some Christians might mistakenly believe that having God using his power for their benefit will relieve them of struggles as they follow him and pursue the work of his kingdom. Often the struggles we experience the means by which he character. And his power is best seen in the transformed characters of people who are being conformed into the image of Christ.

2. The Divine mystery of grace

   A. Together in Christ - Ephesians 3:1-6
Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles and suffered in prison because of his ministry. Yet he recognized how his confinement benefitted the Gentiles. His imprisonment lent itself to his profound impact on the Christians in Rome and throughout the entire Roman world. This realization can be seen in Paul’s statement that “for this cause” (KJV) or “reason” (NIV) he was a prisoner (Ephesians 3:1; see Philippians 1:14).

God had revealed to Paul that his plan was to include Gentiles in his kingdom, which Paul described as a mystery (Ephesians 3:2-3).

Question: What did Paul mean by his use of the word “Mystery”?

Here the word mystery refers to something that is unknown until God so chooses to reveal it. Paul wanted his readers to better grape God’s plan to to bring Jews and Gentiles together to form one body of believers, the church (4). God had kept this hidden from people until after the resurrection and ascension of Christ, but now the Holy Spirit had revealed it. The spirit enlighten those called to be Christ’s messengers about His intent for the Church ( verse 5).

The misery of Christ is not only that Gentiles would be saved, but that the Gentile Christians and the Jewish Christians would be equal in one body ( verse 6). Note the three terms used by Paul: “fellowhairs,” “same body,” and “partakers” (KJV). These three strongly point to exist among Christians.

                  B.Access Through Christ. Ephesians 3:7-13
Paul again emphasized service as a minister of the gospel of Christ to the Gentiles ( Ephesians 3:7-9). Though Paul considered himself to be less than least of the followers of Christ, he knew God graciously called and enabled him serve. This compelled him to proclaim Christ.

Question: Why do you think Paul described himself in such lowly terms in verse 8?

Paul was not expressing false humility in this verse, which would be a form of pride. Nor was he trying to say he had little or no value. Rather he kept God at the forefront of all he did Paul recognized that the value of our lives and ministries comes from God, and we must recognize it as such.

Question: What do you think Paul had in mind when he spoke of unsearchable riches of Christ ( verse 8)?

The innumerable blessings God makes available to us through Christ both in this life and throughout eternity, are true riches. Forgiveness of sins, peace, and eternal home are just a few of the blessings believers will receive.

In addition to preaching Christ,Paul also emphasized how God was at work to Join together all people who put their faith in Christ into one Body, the church ( verse 9) A unified church as always being God’s plan regarding salvation.

God’s wisdom is made apparent to all spiritual entities through the Church ( verse 10). The mention of principalities and powers in heavenly places is used in Ephesians to refer both to good angelic beings (Ephesians 6:21) and evil demonic beings (6:12). Angels did not know all that God had planned to do through Christ, but the wisdom of His plan is seen in the Church ( verse 11).

Question: Why can Christians be bold and confident when approaching the Father (Ephesians 3:12)?

The freedom of Christians to ask anything from God is a blessing bestowed through a right standing with Him. We can be confident we are heard because we are part of the church.

Finally, as a prisoner because of his service to the Lord, Paul did not want his readers’ spiritual resolve to be weakened because of what he was enduring on their behalf. He saw trials as part of God’s plan ( verse 13).

3. Strength, Immeasurable Love, and Power

           A. Strong And Rooted, Ephesians 3:14-17

Paul’s desire for Gentile believers not to become discouraged led him to pray for them (Ephesians 3:14-16). He first prayed for their spiritual strength, through the work of the Holy Spirit in the inner person.

Question: In what ways does the Spirit strengthen believers spiritually?

The work of the Spirit results in Christ making His home within Christians ( verse 17). Paul prayed that Christ’s indwelling would be a permanent experience, requiring faith on the part of believers. Note that Paul was not implying that Christ did not already dwell within them. Rather, Paul desired that his hearers would be consistent and well exhibited through love. A strong, steady walk with Christ would be the ongoing result of their initial commitment to Him.

            B.Immeasurable Love , Ephesians 3:18-19.

Paul’s prayer continued with a focus on his desire for Christians to grasp the love of Christ (Ephesian 3:17-19). Like a plant solidly rooted in the ground or a building that has a solid foundation, Christians are to be rooted and grounded in Christ Love. Paul used vivid imagery

Sunday School Lesson, September 3, 2017. Topic: Revelation And Realization Sunday School Lesson, September 3, 2017.  Topic:  Revelation And Realization Reviewed by AGSundayschoollessons on 07:52 Rating: 5

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