Sunday School Lesson, August 27 2017: Blessed In Christ

Topic:  Blessed in Christ
Memory Verse: Ephesians 1:3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (KJV).

Lesson Text: Acts 19:1-10; Ephesians 1:1-14

Central Truth: God adopts believers into His family and gives them an eternal inheritance.

Focus: To review the believer’s acceptance by God in Christ and acknowledge His sovereignty over our lives.

1.     Church Established In Ephesus
A.    Instructing Christians
B.     Reaching Nonbelievers
2.     Accepted in the Beloved
A.    God’s Loving Choice
B.     God’s Purpose in Christ
3.     Chosen and Sealed
A.    Chosen in Christ
B.     Sealed by the Spirit

                               Leaning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Explain how the church in Ephesus was founded.
2.  Affirm that a relationship with God is found through faith in Christ.
3.  Rejoice in the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

                              Introducing the Lesson
Each year churches around the world host camps for foster kids. Many of these children have suffered abuse or neglect. The mission of the camps is to create life changing moment for them, to make them aware that there is a Heavenly Father who wants them to be part of his family for all eternity.
         The apostle Paul reminded believers that they were adopted into God’s family. Christians are greatly blessed with hopeful assurance, for they have God at work in them in this life and will receive an eternal inheritance in the life to come.

                                      Commentary and Application
1.     Church Established In Ephesus.
A.    Instructing Christians, Acts 19:1-7.
     Question: From past study of Scripture, such as Acts 18:24-28, what do you know about Apollos?

  Acts 19:1-7 refers to a teacher named Apollos, who was a great teacher and yet his knowledge was limited. He became acquainted with Aquila and Priscilla, who  
disciples through the ministry of Apollos, but they have not been instructed fully in the things of the Lord (Verses 1-3). Paul asked these disciples if they have received the Holy Spirit since they had believed.
  From Paul’s interaction with these disciples, it can be concluded that receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit was part of the normal progression of experiences for new believers. This gift empowers Christians in proclaiming the gospel.
All believers should be encouraged to seek God for this blessing.
The disciples responded by explaining that they had not so much as heard of the Holy Ghost”(verse 2, KJV).Because most Jews and spiritually interested Gentiles would have heard of the Holy Spirit, it is best to understand their response to mean they were not aware that the outpouring of the Spirit  was taking place. John the Baptist had taught that the one who was coming after him would baptize believers in the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11). They were not aware that Jesus was pouring out the Holy Spirit on his followers.
These Ephesians disciples had been baptized in water as a sign of their repentance from their sin, just as John the Baptist had practiced, to prepare their heart for the messiah, Jesus (verses 3-4). This would mean accepting him as messiah as well as following his teachings. The disciples responded by been baptized again “in the name of Jesus” (verse 5, KJV), so declaring their faith in Jesus as the messiah.
Having brought this disciples to a full understanding about Jesus, Paul laid hand on them and they were baptized In the Holy Spirit (verse 6). They spoke in tongues and prophesied, powerful physical evidence that this men had been baptised  in the Holy spirit (verse 7).
B.     Reaching Nonbelievers. Acts 19:8-10
        As was his practice, Paul went to the synagogue to reach out to the Jews in the community where he was ministering, speaking boldly and arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God. He did this for three months before opposition arose ( verse 8-9).
         Some, a minority, had become hardened and publicly speak against the gospel. So Paul discontinued his ministry at the synagogue and moved to the school of Tyrannus (ti-RAN-uhs). This was likely a public lecture hall that allowed Paul to expand his preaching to daily meetings and reach a much wider audience.  

Question: How can we determine when we should back away from our efforts to reach out to individuals with the gospel?   
       It can be a struggle to determine at what point we back away and no longer actively approach someone with the gospel. Jesus instructed His disciples to leave a town that refused to listen to their message ( Mark 6:11). Yet Paul stated he was going to stay where he because there is great opportunity for effective ministry even amid opposition ( 1 Corinthians 16:8-9). It is always wise to listen to the guidance of the Holyspirit , who is able to discern people’s hearts.
       Paul’s ministry in Ephesus continued for over two years and was so effective that the gospel spread throughout Asia (Acts 19:10). His example is an encouragement to us in our efforts to reach unbelievers.

2.     Accepted in the Beloved.
A.    God’s Loving Choice. Ephesians 1:1-6.
        About ten years later when he was under house arrest in Rome, Paul addressed this letter to the Ephesians, adding a customary greeting that complimented their faithfulness. However, Paul also affirmed the concepts of grace and peace in the Lord (Ephesians 1:1-2). Unlike many of his letters, in which he slowly build towards his major point, Paul immediately addressed a key theological truth: God’s purpose for His church (verse 3-4). Christians are set apart to God-holy- and are to stay true to that allegiance. Christianity involves surrendering to Christ, serving Him in holiness, and reaching out to others in love.
        God declared of Christ should be holy and without blame (verse4). Even before the world was formed, GOD intended that followers of Jesus should be set apart unto Him. This speaks of how much God wants people to be in relationship with Him. Love motivated His decision to adopt those who would believe into His family (verse 4-5). Salvation involves becoming His life-changing power.
Question: What Does it Mean to be Predestined?
         Christians have debated the doctrine of predestination throughout Church history. Some view predestination as taking place on an individual basis, that God decided before He created the world who would be saved and who wouldn’t. Rather, the concept of predestination is best understood in a cooperate sense, that God knows before the world began that He would adopt into His family this who response in faith to Christ. This understanding of predestination affirms the truth that God is not willing that any should perish but that every person would come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). So adopting penitent people into God’s family is in accordance with “the good pleasure of His will” ( Verse 5,KJV). God is to be praised for this wondrous display of grace He made available to all through His Son Jesus ( verse 6)
B.    God’s Purpose in Christ. Ephesians 1:7-10
         Some believe Ephesians 1: 3-14 was hymn in the early church. If so, verse 6 might have marked the beginning of the second stanza, with a specific focus on Christ Himself. Acceptance in Christ is accomplished through His atoning sacrifices on the cross, accomplished through divine, all-encompassing wisdom and prudence ( verse 7-8). The mention of Christ’s blood refuted an Early Church heresy that Christ’s physical asserted that Christ’s physical suffering was a product of His grace lavished upon us.
   Question: Why is it essential for Christians to understand that their relationship with God is founded on His grace?
     Christians must never believe they merit God’s favour. Such thinking can lead to pride and legalistic righteousness. God can save the worst of sinners. No one is beyond the reach of His grace (1 Timothy 1:15-16). This should compel us to remember that we have something very much in common with even those who are far from God: we need his grace.
    Christ is central in God’s dealing with sin to complete His plan of salvation (vesre 8-10). God’s wisdom and prudence are evidenced in how He carried out His plan of salvation. This plan was a great mystery-a truth hidden throughout the old testament, coming to light through Christ. God had provided clues, but the plan was not to revealed until after Christ’s atoning work had given birth to the Church.

Question: How can knowing God’s purpose, as seen in verse 10, help Christians understand their mission?
     God desires that in Christ, all people would be put together into the same Body (the Church) without distinction. As we come to understand God’s purpose we can gain greater motivation to preach or send the gospel to the lost around the world.

3.     Chosen and Sealed
A.    Chosen in Christ, Ephesians 1:11-12
 Another spiritual blessing made available to Christians is the obtaining of an inheritance ( verse 11). “Predestinated” (kjv) or “Predestined” (NIV) looks forward to determine what will be the destiny of those who are God’s people. Christians are chosen as heirs to share in the kingdom of Christ. God did this according to His will and counsel so those who trust in Christ as savior will be “to the praise of his glory” ( verse 12,KJV).
       Those who first trusted in Christ most likely refers to Jewish Christians. It was through the Jewish people that God had brought the Saviour into this world. Paul understood the gospel of Christ to be the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, “to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” ( Romans 1:16, KJV). Paul emphasized in Ephesians God’s plan to unite Jews and Gentiles into one people through Christ.
B.     Sealed By The Spirit, Ephesians1:13-14.
     Those Gentiles in Ephesians to whom Paul was writing had come to trust in Jesus as Saviour (verse 13).Like their Jewish brothers and sisters, they had become part of the Church upon responding by faith to the gospel.

Question: How did you hear the gospel and come to believe in Jesus?
    Each of us  had a unique story to tell about our journey of coming to trust Jesus as Saviour. The one common feature in our stories is that we somehow came to hear the gospel and believed it as truth about how to be saved.
      A wondrous thing happens when people come to faith in Christ: They are sealed with the Holy spirit of Promise ( verse 13). In Paul’s day, a seal was fixed to something as a sign of ownership. It indicated that a document was authentic and genuine. For Christians the indwelling Spirit reveals God’s ownership . The spirit provides witness within their spirits that they belong to God ( Romans 8:16)

Question: How has the inner witness of the spirit been a comfort and encouragement to you as a Christian?
     Christians often face trails Satan can use to stir doubt as to their relationship with God. In such times the Spirit’s work in believers’ hearts affirms that they are children of God.
     In addition, the sealing with the Holy spirit is the “earnest” ( verse 14,KJV)or “deposit” (NIV) that God gives Christians as guarantee of their inheritance all that He has promised to do for those who are saved. Until believers receive the full reward of salvation, the Spirit’s presence guarantees that God’s promise of eternity with Him will be theirs.
  God’s plan of salvation through Christ gives every believer reason to rejoice. This plan was in God’s mind before the foundation of the world and will culminated in eternity. When we put our faith in Christ, we are blessed to experience every spiritual blessing that is a part of that plan.

                         Discipleship In Action
God has established a plan to bless people through Christ. As you reflect on this, however, it is critical to recognize and accept that God’s work in you is intended to be reflected in how you live. Do you live as someone who belongs to God? Do you strive to bring glory to God by living in a manner that pleases and honours Him 
                           Ministry In Action
Those who hear the gospel have the opportunity to believe the truth and put their faith in Jesus as Saviour. As Christians, we must take seriously our responsibility to passionately proclaim Christ as Saviour. Lead the class in asking God to help students remain aware of opportunities to share the gospel. Pray that the Lord will give them the words to say and will prepare the hearts of those who hear.

Sunday School Lesson, August 27 2017: Blessed In Christ Sunday School Lesson, August 27 2017:  Blessed In Christ Reviewed by AGSundayschoollessons on 07:46 Rating: 5

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