Memory verse: Isaiah 26:3

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:


because he trusted in thee, (KJV).

TEXT-GEN 24 V41 THRU 28V9 -22 

 Central truth 

Believers can rely on God to help them cope with stressful situations.

The lesson outline


1.      Coping with peer pressure

A.     Devastating force 

B.     Antidotes

2.      Avoid harmful addictions

A.     What is wrong with a little wine? B.     God’s answer

3.      God is our helper

 A.     Safeguards against stress

 B.     God provides help

Teaching Goals


1.       Impart  and  reinforce  knowledge:  instruct  your  students  about principles for Godly living found in God’s words, in order to combat stress.

2.      Influenc Attitudes encourage   student t appreciat and embrace Christian values that safeguard against stress.

3.      Influence Behavior: challenge students to reduce stress in their lives by developing right priorities by which they live.

Introducing the Lesson

This  week’s  lesson  includes  the unit  strengthening marriage and family ties”. In this lesson, we will examine a contemporary issue faced by most families-stress.

Stress can be defined as “a physical, chemical, or emotional tension. Anyone raising a family knows that this definition describes what the family is facing today.

Stress can come in many ways and from source both from within the family and from force outside of the family. This week, we will look at two source of family stress. More importantly, we will discover God’s answer for stressed out families.

You and your family do not have to live in a stressful situation. God is your helper. Allow him to minister to your needs this week.



Commentary and Application


1.      Coping with peer pressures


A. devastating force


Peer pressure can be a major source of stress to the family. Such pressure operates on the principle of compromise. Peer pressure force people to be what they are not, do things they would not normally do, and go where they really do not want to go.



Question for Application


What is it about human nature that gives peer pressure such a grip in many lives?



Nearly all human nature beings have a right of rejection or of not fitting in with the around them. This basic fear us susceptible to pressure

by those around us. But a firm set of constitution based on god’s word


will help us overcome the temptation to compromise.


One of the ways we can combat peer pressure is by understanding principles for godly living found in god’s word. In doing so, we can help each family member learn to evaluate outside influence and adhere to true and lasting godly values.

While not all peer pressure is bad, Paul recognized that the world will try to pressure us into conforming to its mould. In 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, he addressed the dangers of trying to blend in with those around us. Paul declared that believers are not to be “unequally yoked” with unbelievers.

Paul drew this analogy from Deuteronomy 22:10 that prohibited the


Jews from ploughing with mixed breeds of animals.


While Paul’s command is commonly used to prohibit marriages of believers with unbelievers, there is a boarder application. As believers we must not develop a close relationship with unbelievers that might cause us to compromise our Christian convictions or witness. When we succumto  the  world’s  pressure,  we  are  joining  ourselves  with  the world. This is totally contrary to the values of  true Christianity. Paul presented  five  rhetorical  question  designed  tillustratthe incompatibility of Christianity and heathenism.

It is important to note that Paul was not suggesting that we do not associate with those in the world. How else can we win them if we avoid all contact with them?

The world and Christianity do not share the same values or goals. Trying to blend the two creates a struggle in which Christian values usually come in second. Because of the Holy Spirits presence in our lives, the conviction he brings when we compromise godly standards

produce stress. The only way to alleviate this stress is to ask for forgiveness and begin to live by his word.


B. Antidotes

One antidote for peer pressure is in 2 Corinthians 6:17. God demands that his people live differently from the ways and desires of the world. If we do, god has promised that he will receive us and be our father, and we will be his sons and daughter.

If family members will focus the attention on holy living and the promise of god, negative peer pressure will not have the devastating effect it could have. When we cease trying to be like the world and strive to become more like God, we find a contentment that the things in the world can new provide.

2.      Avoid harmful addictions

A. What is wrong with a little wine?

Few things put more stress or family than a member who addicted to something.   I today   society even   Christian   families   fac these problems.

One of Satans most deception lies is the belief that as long as you do something in moderation, it will not hurt you. An alcoholic may have one time been a moderate drink until he became addicted and lose control of his life. They compulsion gambler only wagered a few coins first. Soon he found himself believing he was only one wager away from the “big win”.

There are many forms of addition. They include gambling, drinking, drugs, pornography, and violence. Each can create his stress level in a home and potential destroy the family. The addiction person can make life miserable everyone.

God’s word provides warning to help avoid being caught in the trap of addictive habits. The book of Proverb addresses the issue of alcohol. Wcan  learn  from this  massage a lot  about  how alcohol addiction occurs. The write provided a vivid description of a drunkard sorrows.

Verse 31 warns “look not upon the wine when it moved itself aright”. The writer pointed out how subtly additions work. Note the word he used inverse 31 to describe it enticement. Wine moved itself aright[KJV] or “goes down smoothly[NIV]. Whiling one is drinking, it is difficult to comprehend it results. Those who began to drink probably did not intend to become alcoholics. The deception took place with the first drink.

Much alcohol states that their alcohol is harmless and innocent; dinking brings them pleasure. But addicted person is a lot like plough animals in the early days of farming.  The farmer would tie a carrot to a stick and dangled it in front of the plough animal just reach out. The animals would trudge around the field all day trying to get a bite of that carrot. Addicts believe that one day they will find the satisfaction they desireIt is just one more experience away.

Note in verse 32 the description of the results of drinking-“it bitten like a serpent and stingiest like an adder. Alcohol causes a person to lose control of his thinking. Under its influence, people would do and say things that the would not do or say under normal conditions.

People who drink control of their equilibrium [verse 34].they become like sailors staggering around a ship in a storm They end up in a stupor, like sailor sleeping in a ships rigging.

Alcohol can become a master of people lives. Even when exposed to physical pains, their only needs are for one more drink [verse 35]. It is impossible to measure the negative effects this and other addictions can have on a family. But be sure, this addiction takes their toll.

Does this all means that there is no help for the addict? Of course not. But addicts, whether they are addicted to alcohol, drugs, or other substance or behavior, fine very difficult to admit they have a problem, to themselves or to others. Help it available if they desire it. But they must first be willing to admit their need.


For the believers, part of resisting those things that cause addiction comes from an understanding of what it means to live a Christian life. Paul instructed those to walk circumspectly”. T word can also be translated “carefully” or accurately”. Believers are to understand the importance of living a life above reproach.   Such understanding will cause us to shun anything that has the potential of controlling our lives.

We are further admonished not to be foolish but to have an understanding of what the will of the lord is. By knowing the will of the lord, and knowing what pleases God, then and only then, can we carry it out in our lives?

Part of Gods will is not to be drunk with wine” but be filled with the spirit”. As spirit filled believers we are not to be control by anything other than the spirit of God. Taking one drink of alcohol, popping one pill, buying one lottery ticket, or looking at one R-or X-rated film can begin the process of being brought under it control. Then instead of the ridiculous displays of an addicted person, we can experience the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit with it peace, joy and love.

3.      GOD Is Our Helper

A     Safeguards against Family Stress

Many things in our society produced stress on the family. One thing is certain, though, God wants to help families avoid as much stress as possible.

The writer of Hebrews gave us instruction that can help reduce stress in our lives. These instructions concern developing right priorities by which we live.

Marriage relationship not grounded on biblical principles can be a source of stress. We must remember that marriage is honorable. All part of marriage is designed by God. This include an intimate physical relationship with immorality is not only sinful, but also produces stress.

The words translate whore mongers “is the general word used to describe sexually immoral persons. Not only that adultery ruins the marriage relationship, but pornography can also put undue stress on marriage. But when the husband and wife develop the close intimate relationship that God designed for marriage, those things that can cause stress are not allowed to take hold.

The writer in his epistle also instructed families not to be consumed with monetary greed. The word translate conversation in verse 5 is a word used to describe one’s lifestyle. The lifestyle of a believer is not to be characterized by covetousness. In other places, covetousness is called idolatry. An important principle for a happy life is: “but be content with such things as ye have.

Questions for Application

Why is being content so important? 

When a person is intent so accumulating possessions, he has switched from the lord to those possessions. Material possession cannot

provide security. And the acquiring of these possessions can cause financial stress.

Contentment  is thsolution  to  greed.  But  the principles  of  being content should never be used as an excuse to be lazy and not try to better one self. Verse 5 is a warning not to be caught up in trying to fine security in material possession. Our security is in the lord and his presence. He has promised that we can be content because he will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” [verse 5]. That makes Christians the most secure people in the world.

B. God provide Help

Our families are being threatened with materialism, discontentment, frustrations, and other factor that are bent on destroying families. But we do not have to fear any of these or anything else that society may do to distract and destroy the family. If we establish our family on the word of God, accept his ways for living, and follow his directives for each person, we will not be caught up in the philosophy of this age.

We  can  have  the  confidence  while  living  in  this  present  world

because God is our “helper. We do not have to be afraid. 

Question for Application

How does Gods being our helper relieve stress in our lives?

God  is  on  our  side.  We  know  that  in  any  circumstance,  God  is working for our good. These facts allow us to rest in him knowing that he has everything under control. This gives us the confidence we need to live for God in an ungodly world.

Call to Discipleship


The family unit is very important to God. God designed the family to be a place in which godly values are taught.  A family that is not living as God intended cannot pass on the Christian character and values necessary to ensure future generation of dedicated Christians. If the family  unit  breaks  apart  of  the  stresses  of  everyday  living,  many important things are left unattended. This breakdown at the family level can actually cause the church to become weak ineffective.

Perhaps your family is going through a time of tremendous stress. Maybe the peer pressure you are facing at work or your children at school seems overwhelming. You might even have a family member addicted to a life-controlling habit. If this is the case, remember, God is your helper.

 Ministry in Action 

Many families are going through a time of tremendous stress. Ask student to pray that God will

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