TOPIC: Bring Others To Jesus ( Various Individual)


TOPIC: Bring Others To Jesus ( Various Individual)

Memory Verse: John 1:41-42. He (Andrew) first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messiah, which is, being interpreted, the  Christ. And he brought  him to Jesus (KJV).

LESSON TEXT: John 1:35-51; Acts 8:26-39.

CENTRAL TRUTH:  Christians are called to bring others to Christ.
FOCUS: To review how Andrew and Phillip brought others to Jesus and witness to others.

1.     Andrew Brings His Brother
A.   Andrew Learns of Jesus
B.   Andrew Speaks of Jesus
2.     Phillip Brings a Friend
A.   Come and See
B.   Nathanael Believes
3.     Phillip Witnesses to a Stranger
A.   Divine Appointment
B.   New Believer Baptised

Through the course of this lesson, students will be challenged to:
1.     Reaffirm their responsibility to bring others to Jesus.
2.     Seek the Spirits help in guiding conversations toward spiritual matters.
3.     Pray for opportunities to witness to others.
   No one is born a Christian, Most often when someone becomes a Christian the gospel has been presented by another person. Today’s lesson looks at how three believers (the apostles Andrew and Phillip and the deacon Phillip) told others about Jesus encouraging us to witness.
1.     Andrew Brings His Brother
A.   Andrew Learn Of Jesus. – John 1:35-40
     QUESTION: What do you think is meant when John the Baptist is described as the forerunner of Jesus?
     John had been sent as the forerunner of Jesus. His role was to prepare the way for Jesus and His ministry, to “bear witness of the Light” (John 1:7,KJV). God used John the Baptist to introduce Jesus to others as the sacrificial Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world 9verse (35-36).
     Two of John’s disciples heard John’s proclamation and decided to follow Jesus to learn more about Him (verse 37). As Jesus became aware of these two men following Him, He asked them what they sought (verse 38). Addressing Him respectfully with the title “rabbi” (meaning “teacher” or “master”), they wanted to know where He was staying. This question showed their desire to be with Him and to be instructed by Him throughout the rest of the day (verse 39).
      Jesus’ invitation to these two men reflects His loving nature. He extends an invitation to all who desire to learn of Him. Those who humbly receive His Word will find eternal life.
     As they spent time with Jesus, these two men learned more about this man whom John had declared to be the Lamb of God. Andrew was one of the men (verse 40). From what Andrew did next, it is easy to conclude Jesus made quite as impression on him.
B.   Andrew Speaks of Jesus.- John 1:41-42
     Andrew believed John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus, and so he sought out his brother Simon to tell him that he had found the Messiah 9John 1:41). Andrew believed in Jesus as the Anointed One (a phrase that identifies Jesus as Messiah and Christ).
QUESTION: What have you come to know about Jesus that would compel you to introduce others to Him?
     Andrew saw in Jesus hope for his people and nation, a hope he wanted to share with his brother. Many today have found in Jesus what they need and long for: hope, peace, love, forgiveness, and new life. It is natural for people to want to share with others the wonderful blessings that come from knowing Jesus.
     Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus. During their interaction, Jesus saw something in Simon and named him Caphas, or Peter, which means rock (verse 42). This new name foreshadowed the steadfastness of Christian character he would display later in life.
2.     Phillip Brings a Friend.
A.   Come and See – John 1:43-46
     Jesus continued His journey the next day, making His way to the village of Bethsaida in Galilee (John 1:43-44). There He crossed paths with a man named Phillip, whom He called to follow Him.
QUESTION: What does it mean to follow Jesus?
     Following Jesus involves forsaking sin and obeying His teachings. It also includes laying aside personal ambitions in favour of going where He leads. Christian faith brings transformation. Phillip understood this, recognizing that Jesus was inviting him to become His disciple. He would travel with Him and listen to His teachings.
    No record is provided of Phillip having previous interactions with Jesus. It is apparent that Phillip knew enough about Jesus to be convinced that He was and is the promised Messiah (verse 45). In fact, his belief in Jesus as Messiah was strong enough that he sought out his friend Nathanael and conveyed what he had come to discover about Jesus.
Phillip told Nathanael that the long-awaited Messiah had been found. Phillip saw in Jesus the fulfillment of the promises made in the Law of Moses and prophetic writings.
   Nathanael responded with skepticism, wondering if the Messiah could come from Nazareth (verse 46). While it is not certain why Nathanael held such a negative view of Nazareth, some scholars have suggested that it was because Nazareth was an obscure village.
   Rather than trying to explain away all of Nathanael’s misgivings, Phillip invited his friend to meet Jesus (verse 46). Phillip was confident that if Nathanael was willing to investigate the claim, he would discover the truth about Jesus for himself.
QUESTION: How can Christians deal with misgivings and preconceived ideas the unsaved have about Jesus?
    The people was talk to about Jesus may have a limited or flawed opinion about Him. Rather than look down on them, we should respect their sincerity and answer their  concerns with kindness. The goal is not to win an argument but to introduce them to Jesus when they ask about our faith (see 1 Peter 3:15).
B.   Nathanael Believes- John 1:47-51
     Nathanael accepted Phillip’s invitation to meet Jesus for himself. As Nathanael approached, Jesus, declared him to be an honest and upright man. This greeting and evaluation of his character surprised Nathanael (John 1:47-48). How could Jesus know these things?
    Jesus’ responses gave Nathanael insight into Jesus’ identity. Jesus spoke of how He had seen Nathanael under a fig tree even before Phillip had spoken to him. This display of supernatural insight was convincing. Nathanael’s declaration of Jesus as the son of God and the King of Israel affirmed his belief in Jesus as the long- awaited Messiah (verse 49).
   When Jesus spoke of angels ascending and descending, He may have been drawing on the experiences of Jacob, an Old Testament patriarch. Jacob was known for his deceit and yet God had revealed to him angels ascending and descending to the earth (Genesis 28:12). Later God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. By drawing on the example of Jacob, Jesus was inviting Nathanael to observe and experience similar miracles.
    We can tell others about who Jesus is, but they need to experience Him for themselves. Through our leading and work of the Holy Spirit, they can encounter Jesus and discover who He is.
      QUESTION: Describe how most people come to find Jesus?

3.     Phillip Witness To A Stranger
A.   Divine Appointment. – Acts 8:26-35
     In Acts 8, we read about Phillip, another follower of Jesus. Phillip was one of the original seven deacons chosen to serve in overseeing ministry to widows in the church (Acts 6:1-6). Phillip was in a Samaritian city preaching Christ and seeing many people come to faith in Christ. While Phillip was there an angel of the Lord instructed him to go to a remote road that led from Jerusalem to Gaza (Acts 8:26).
   Phillip followed the instructions to go there, where he met an official from Ethiopia (verse 27-28). This man was returning home after spending time in Jerusalem to worship. Likely a convert to Judiasm, while travelling he was reading from the prophet Isaiah (verse 28). His actions seem to indicate a strong hunger for God.
Phillip had what we might call a divine appointment (verse 29-31). As he drew near the chariot, he heard the Ethiopian reading from the prophet Isaiah, which gave Phillip an opening to start a conversation. “Understandest thou what thou readest?” Phillip asked (verse 30,KJV). The man answered that he needed guidance and invited Phillip to join him.
QUESTION: Describe a time you experienced a divine appointment- a time when God brought you to someone who was open to hear the gospel.
    Invite a student who has a divine appointment to share about the experience at this time. The story should highlight the spirit’s leading, how the opportunity presented itself and the respone of the people hearing the gospel.
QUESTION: What can Christians do to be more open to divine appointments to present the gospel?
   We can pray for such opportunities, then listen to the Spirit’s guidance. We should be prepared to simply and clearly explain God’s plan of salvation. Keeping a pocket New Testament or other materials can help us be more comfortable when it comes time to share. Finally we can offer to pray with those we evangelise, even if it isn’t a prayer for salvation. We might pray that God would help them as they seek answers for their spiritual questions.
   The circumstances clearly indicate that Phillip had a divine appointment. The official was reading a prophecy about Jesus’ sacrificial death (verses 32-33), providing a clear opening for Phillip to explain that Isaiah was writing about Jesus (verses 34-35). Because Phillip was open to leading of the Spirit and prepared to explain that Jesus is the Messiah, this man heard the gospel presented in a manner he could understand.
B.   New Believer Baptised – Acts 8:36-39.
   During his conversation with the Ethiopian official, Phillip undoubtedly talked about what the man needed to do become a follower of Jesus, for when they came to a body of water, the Ethiopian asked about being baptized in water (Acts 8:36). Perhaps like Peter on the day of Pentecost, Phillip had described that people needed to repent of their sins and identify themselves as followers of Jesus by being baptized in His name (Acts 2:38). So when the Ethiopian man asked if he could be baptized, Phillip answered that he could if he truly believed in Jesus Christ in Jesus, both men entered the water and he was baptized (verse 38).
QUESTION: What role does water baptism play in the life of the Christian?
   Water baptism plays an important role in the lives of new believers. It is part of  the discipleship process that helps them understand what new life in Christ means. It is also a public witness to others that a person has chosen to become a follower of Jesus.
    Baptism was the first step in discipleship the Ethiopian man took .The Spirit  “caught away Phillip” (verse 39) shortly after he had baptized the man, and he did not see Phillip again. As the Spirit had led Phillip in this encounter, it is reasonable to conclude that the Spirit brought other Christians into the man’s life to help him grow as a follower of Jesus. This new believer went on his way rejoicing in his new found faith.

   Jesus commanded His followers to go, reach, and teach (Matthew 28:18-20). Whether we go to family members, friends, or strangers, we must be prepared to tell them the good news about Jesus. He works through us to tell them the message of salvation.
    Jesus promised the help of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7). Pray for the Spirit’s help in staying alert to those around you who are open to hearing about the Lord, and to help you guide conversation toward spiritual matters in an effective way. While you likely won’t be able to answer every question or address every concern they may have, you can invite them to experience Jesus for themselves.
     In the days to come, examine the ways in which you can prepare for such opportunities. Commit to taking the steps necessary in order to become even better prepare when presented with opportunities for witnessing.

Only those who hear the gospel have the opportunity to believe and put their faith in Jesus as Saviour. Close in prayer, asking God to help students be aware of  opportunities to share the gospel. Pray also that the Lord will prepare the hearts of those who hear and bring the right words to say.

TOPIC: Bring Others To Jesus ( Various Individual)  TOPIC: Bring Others To Jesus ( Various Individual) Reviewed by AGSundayschoollessons on 16:53 Rating: 5

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