SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON. APRIL 29,2018 TOPIC: The Battle is the Lord’s (Jehoshaphat)

TOPIC: The Battle is the Lord’s (Jehoshaphat)

MEMORY VERSE: 2 Chronicles 20:15. Thou saith the Lord unto you, be not afraid nor dismayed by the reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s  (KJV).

LESSON TEXT: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30

CENTRAL TRUTH: God’s promise of victory encourages Christians through life’s challenges.

FOCUS: To affirm that God is with us in difficulties and trust Him for victory.

11.     Looking to God when in Distress
A.    Impending Doom
B.     Seeking God
22.     Trust God for His Help
A.    Prophetic Word
B.     Expressing Faith
33.     Praise God for the Victory
A.    Mighty Victory
B.     Exalting God
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
11.     Describe the events surrounding Jehoshaphat’s life in the face of battle.
22.      Realise the importance of trusting God in the difficult circumstances of life.
33.     Commit to trusting God and inviting Him to work in their lives.
QUESTION: What are some ways people respond during difficult circumstances in their lives?
No of us are immune to difficulties. These may be major health issues, family crises, or loss of employment. Some turn to alcohol or drugs to

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON. APRIL 29,2018 TOPIC: The Battle is the Lord’s (Jehoshaphat) SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON.  APRIL 29,2018  TOPIC: The Battle is the Lord’s (Jehoshaphat) Reviewed by AGSundayschoollessons on 00:00 Rating: 5

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