SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON, APRIL 1, 2018 TOPIC: The Risen Christ ( Easter)

TOPIC: The Risen Christ ( Easter)
MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 28:6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay (KJV)
LESSON TEXT: Matthew 27:57 through 28:20
CENTRAL TRUTH: Jesus Christ rose from the dead and lives forever.
FOCUS: To appreciate the significance of Christ’s resurrection and exalt Him as our risen Lord.
1.     Christ’s Burial
A.    Buried by Friends
B.     Guarded by Enemies
2.     Christ Resurrection
A.    The empty Tomb
B.     The Risen Lord
3.     Christ’s Mandate
A.    Christ’s Authority
B.     Christ’s Promise
Learning Objectives
At the end of the Lesson, students will be able to:
1.     Describe the proofs as well as the benefits of the resurrection.
2.     Consider how they can live victoriously because of Christ’s resurrection power.
3.     Accept their responsibility for helping to fulfill the Great Commission

   Introducing the Lesson
  If you are an avid sports fan, you know how quickly a game can change. The arena is quiet because the home team is losing. Fans begin to wonder if they can really win. But they mount a comeback, then pull off a win at the last second. The arena erupts with cheering.
   We can only imagine what it must have been like for the woman as they approached the tomb of Jesus to complete final burial preparations. Their deep despair turned to amazement when the angel to
D them He had risen from the dead. All the promises he had made about His resurrection had come true.
  Through this week’s lesson, we can come to appreciate the significance of Christ’s resurrection. And like the woman, may we respond to His resurrection by worshipping Him as our risen Lord.

   Commentary and Application
1.     Christ’s Burial
A.    Buried By Friends. Matthew 27:57-61
   Following Christ’s death on the cross, it was important to make sure that no bodies were left hanging

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON, APRIL 1, 2018 TOPIC: The Risen Christ ( Easter) SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON, APRIL 1, 2018  TOPIC: The Risen Christ ( Easter) Reviewed by AGSundayschoollessons on 18:32 Rating: 5

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