October 1, 2017. Sunday School Lesson.
TOPIC: Be strong in the Lord.
MEMORY VERSE: Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Ephesians 6:10 (KJV)
LessonText: Ephesians 6:10-20;Acts 20:20-32
CENTRAL TRUTH: God gives Christians strength to withstand evil.
FOCUS: To highlight Spiritual warfare and battle against evil.

1.     Stand against Spiritual Enemies
A.    Be prepared
B.    Be Alert
2.    Put on Spiritual Armour
A.    Understand the Armour
B.    Pray at all Time
3.    Remain Spiritually Alert
A.    Battles Are Real
B.    Paul’s warnings

                       LEARNING OBJECTIVES
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1.    Ascertain that God gives Christians strength to experience victory in the battle against evil.
2.    Renew their determination to resist evil and stand firm in the power of the Lord.
3.    Communicate effectively to other the evincible power of God available to all who call on Him.

Through the course of this unit, we have been reminded that God’s people should walk in unity rather than division, humility rather than pride, light instead of darkness, wisdom rather than foolishness, and submission instead of selfishness or lording over others.

QUESTION: What are some challenges we may face as a result of living a consistent Christian life?
     First, we will struggle with temptation as we seek to conquer our human desires. But we will also face opposition from Satan as we live in obedience to Christ. This lesson will examine how to be prepared to withstand evil so that we mat live a victorious life in Christ.

                       COMMENTARY AND APPLICATION
1.    Stand Against Spiritual Enemies.
A.    Be Prepared. Ephesians 6:10
B.    Be Alert. Ephesians 6:11-13
         In other to stand firm against Satan’s tricks, Christians must be alert and aware. The reference to the devils wiles (KJV) in Ephesians 5:11 points to a clear strategic or method used against us. Christians must be aware that Satan conspire to oppose all of God’s people.

QUESTION: What are some of the ways that Satan tries to deceive people?
     Satan uses many means to deceive people. To some he come with blatant attacks such as temptation toward occult practices or false religious. Others might experience inner battles against ungodly desires. Satan often tries to deceive Christians through subtle means: materialism, worldliness, selfishness and disunity. He works to place doubt in the mind of Christians, leading them away from their faith in God.
    Spiritual battle are very real and we can not emerge victorious in our own strength. In verse 12, Paul used vivid language to clearly expose the spiritual enemies. They are from an unseen realm, and they are not subject to the weapons effective against flesh-and-blood enemies. God’s grace and power are essential. Christians cannot find victory by fighting alone.

QUESTION: What is God’s instruction to the Christian who faces seemingly overwhelming battle?
  Note Paul’s used of “therefore” in verse 13. In light of this spiritual reality, God has provided an answer. Christians are to “take unto themselves” (KJV) or “ Put on” (NIV) God’s armour. In this way, they can stand strong in the face of evil forces.

2.    Put on Spiritual Armour
A.    Understand the Armour. Ephesians 6:14-17
         The book of Ephesians was written while Paul was in prison in Rome. Being closely watched by Roman guide, Paul has consistent exposure to the armour description in Ephesians 6:14. In addition, the military held a strong public presence throughout the Roman Empire, so Paul’s readers could have easily understood the significance of the point he made through this elaborate, memorable illustration.
      The first pieces of the spiritual armour noted are the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness (verse 14). The belt, worn around the “loin” or abdominal region, served to hold the armour in place. A soldier tightened his belt around this area-securing  the armour when battle was imminent. As a result, this action signified a sense of seriousness, a recognition that he was not in a situation that was to be taken lightly. A soldier who has girded his loin will not be at ease.
    The belt in the soldiers armour was compared to the truth ( verse 14). The Christian is to stand prepared in the realm of God’s truth, recognizing the seriousness of the spiritual battle. Because we are in Christ, we must constantly choose against ungodliness and falsehood, following Christ instead. Our desire should always be to make the pursuit of His truth a central priority.
     Paul then noted the breastplate, or body armour, that completely surrounded his chest and abdomen, effectively protecting his chest and back as his vital organs: his heart, lungs and intestines. It often saved the soldiers from a mortal wound. In a similar sense, a Christian’s commitment to righteousness will protect him or her from the inflection of the spiritual wounds that result from indulging in sin.
     The next pieces of armour was footwear ( verse 15).

QUESTION: Why was it important for the soldier to be concerned with what was on his feet?
   A soldier’s shoes were important, giving him firm footing so he would not stumble in battle. It was studded with hobnails to help with surefootedness.
   One fundamental role of every Christian involves delivering the gospel to the lost (see Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:15). The preparation of the gospel of peace means that followers of Christ must be prepared at all time to proclaim the gospel.
    The shield of faith represents the soldier’s large shield, which was used to block the weapons of the enemy. What a marvelous picture of how faith in Christ thwarts the enemy’s attacks (Ephesians 6:16). Faith is our greatest defense, so long as it stays fixed on the Lord.
     A soldier’s helmet would protect his head from the lethal blows of an enemy’s sword ( verse 17). From the Christian perspective, the helmet may be specifically symbolic of his or her intellect and will. An abiding commitment to follow God despair battles of discouragement, doubt, and wrong desires will keep the believer strong against spiritual attacks.
     Lastly, Christians are to take up the sword of the spirit- God’s word ( verse 17). The soldier’s sword was usually carried in a sheath on his belt, always ready for use. Likewise, we must know the word to use it effectively in countering the lies, distortions, and attacks of the enemy. It is important to note that Paul’s description of spiritual armour fits cleanly within the overall theme of the Book of Ephesians. We must not view spiritual warfare as something we “do” but an ongoing part of Christian living as children of light in a spiritually darkened world. Paul did not intend for his listeners to take off their spiritual armour once it had been put on. In other words, we do not “put on our helmet’’ or “take up our sword’’ from time to time when needed. Rather, we live as a people who are profoundly impacted by the unseen, spiritual realm.
B.    Pray at All Times.  Ephesians 6:18-20
     QUESTION: Is prayer part of the armour of God?
          Prayer is the central part of live in the spiritual realm. It is vital for us to be in constant prayer. We are to pray for every manner of request. We are to pray publicly and privately, corporately and individually ( verse 18). Above all, we are to pray in the Spirit, meaning we pray in the realm of the spirit. Prayer is to be a way of life for Christian-a central part of our spiritual warfare- and not merely a practice reserved for those times when we need something from God.
        Prayer is to be combined with alertness ( verse 18-20).  We stand firm, never relaxing our guard. The ministry of prayer is to include a faithful commitment to holding up fellow Christians involved in spiritual battle. We must remember our spiritual leaders in prayers, asking that God would divinely lead them, just as He led Paul in the preaching of the gospel.

3.    Remain Spiritually Alert.
A.    Battles Are Real. Acts 20:22-27
         Acts 20:22-27 represent Paul’s final message to elders of the Ephesians church. He was travelling to Jerusalem, though did not know what hardship awaits him. After reviewing his faithful service in the past, he explained his present situation and expected future. His focus was on obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit.

QUESTION: Why do you think Paul emphasizes his fidelity to preaching the whole gospel to them?
     In verse 27, Paul emphasized that throughout his ministry, he never shrank from delivering the whole message of God. This included difficult truths regarding persecution, trail, and spiritual warfare. His own experience had borne witness to that. Now his hearers must follow God whole heartedly, knowing the rewards, the risks, and the challenges.
      We are wise to follow Paul’s counsel. God has blessed us with salvation, power, and hope, not to enrich our fleshing desires but in order to proclaim His kingdom regardless of the battles we face.

B.    Paul’s warning. Acts 20:28-32
        Paul charged the Ephesian leaders to watch over themselves as well as the Ephesian church, which had been entrusted to them by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28). Paul was careful to explain that they would be attacked, both from within the church as well as by forces on the outside. False teachers, aptly described as “wolves” would arise to lead believers astray with false doctrine ( verse 29-30)

QUESTION: How could the Ephesian leaders be prepared for the rise of the “wolves”?
      Paul urged the leaders to be watchful and guard the flock. These leaders needed to be full of spirit so they could discern error and deal with problems before they caused damage. Paul himself had warned them repeatedly to follow his example and stay alert even through hardship ( verse 31). In Paul’s example, they could find numerous examples of living a life of commitment. And now that he was leaving, they became the models of godliness the people needed to see.
      In verse 32, Paul solemnly committed the Ephesians to God’s care. All the wisdom and knowledge they could ever gain would mean nothing without God’s grace. Only through Him could they stand against evil, repel the attacks of false teachers, and stay true to the Lord.

QUESTION: How can we recognize “wolves” that threaten us, and how should we respond?
  We, too, face dangers from false teachings that God’s word is outdated, irrelevant, or even offensive. We prepare for battle through prayer, study, and commitment to God. Only when we are strong in the Lord can we win the battles and find spiritual victory.

                               DISCIPLESHIP IN ACTION
    God gives us strength to withstand evil, but He also calls us to respond to Him with a sense of sober commitment to His plans for us. We must be prepared, informed, and ready for spiritual battle. We must resist the devil and stand firm to the end.
    If you have grown complacent about spiritual warfare, ask God to forgive you and give you the strength to stand firm. Put on your spiritual armour and utilizes it once again. Remember that God has called every believer to actively resist the devil and experience spiritual victory.
                              MINISTRY IN ACTION
    Staying strong in the Lord is not intended to be accomplished individually.  Christians need each other for prayer, encouragement, support, and even exhortation. Take time at the end of class to pray for students as they endure the battles they face. Encourage students to upload one another in prayer and encouragement during the week.


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